Sunday, July 10, 2011

Super Easy Dessert! - Strawberry and Nutella Pastry :)

There are hundreds of such recipes online. So here goes one more nutella pastry receipe :)
Strawberry fruit preserves -  I bought the low sugar one
Puff pastry sheet
Powdered sugar
1) Thaw the puff pastry sheets for an hour (It says 40 minutes on the box)
2) Cut it into desired size rectangles.
3) Add a spoon of nutella to one half of the rectangle.
4) Add a spoon of strawberry preserve on top of the nutella.
5) Fold the other half of the rectangle on top of the filling and press along the edges to seal.
6) Wet your fingers a little bit if the edges do not seal.
7) Place in fridge for about 20 minutes.
8) Bake in a 400 degree preheated oven until golden brown.
9) Remove and dust with powdered sugar when hot.
10) Serve at room temperature with  whipped cream :) or serve warm with any fudge or caramel sauce on top.

P.S: If you have some kind of mint-dark chocolate at home, I think it would great in this receipe instead of nutella. I have to try that sometime.


  1. Guess it would have been real yummy!! :) It would inspire (if not simply drool at them) your readers more if you can add a picture of the final product :P Thanks!

  2. I ate the last batch before I could take a picture. I will add one the next time I make it :)
